When staying at Hotel Orange Inn you are assured of the highest quality accommodation, services and facilities one would expect to enjoy in Patna - birth place of Guru Gobind Singh .
Being frequent traveller myself, I am well aware that standards of service can make all the difference to one's overall expectations. For this reason my team is deeply involved in the operating and maintenance of this 'gem' which we all consider to be our second home. In this way, we ensure that the high expectations are readily available for you as our discerning guest.
We work alongside our dedicated staff and have instilled significant qualities which are aimed at our guests and to guarantee the best possible experience.
We assure you of warm, friendly and dedicated attention at all times - from the moment you make your reservation to the time of your departure. You should find that your every need is anticipated.
We trust that you will enjoy your visit at Hotel Orange Inn through our website and look forward to the pleasure of welcoming you to Patna.